Our aims are to promote County Championships, to encourage, advise and support organisations which promote competition within the country and to select and manage county teams in inter county events.
CC Officials Requested
It’s that time of year again when we are asking our County officials if they are available for the County Championships over the weekend of Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th May. The venue will be at The Pingles Stadium. If you are available and haven’t already responded
2024 WCAA XC Championship – programme
We have received nearly 650 entries for this year’s championship races. The event programme is available to view with course maps and other details. Reminder – Clubs are asked to identify a minimum of two marshals to assist on the day. Marshals help to keep athletes safe and
Honorary Officials Secretary – Role Description The Honorary Officials Secretary shall have particular responsibility for maintaining a record of Technical Officials in the County, manage the selection and appointment of officials to WCAA events and events involving WCAA teams. S/he shall:- manage the appointment of Technical Officials
VACANCY – Trophy Officer
Trophies Officer – Role DescriptionThe main role of the Trophies officer is to order the appropriate quantity of medals/plaques for presentation to the winning athletes at the two main Championship events; the Track & Field Championships and the Cross-Country Championships. Warwickshire also promotes a Road Race League
WCAA XC Championship – entry forms
This year we have an exciting new venue for the Warwickshire cross-country championships to be held on Saturday 14th December; we will be at Solihull Riding School. Attached to this message is the prospectus and the entry form. Team entries are preferred, individual athlete entries will also
WCAA Cross Country Championships
Consolidated results of the 2024 Cross-country championships are now available on the Results tab
County Championships 2024 – Results & Records
Please see the two attachment for more details.
WCAA Track & Field Championships 2024 – Programme and parking update
A short programme for the weekend can be downloaded here and parking information at this link. Please read the updated parking information as it will affect everyone attending. There will now be a charge of £3.00 per vehicle to use the grassed area. Which can be paid
2024 Track and Field Championships 11/12 May
Entries are now open via entry4sports.com. Use the filter box on the entry website to search for 575 and that will take you straight to the details, provisional schedule and the entry portal. Please note that the actual timetable will be confirmed when we have the entries
WCAA Cross Country Championships
RESULTS of the Heeley Trophy Entries were up and so was the number of runners; there was over 450 finishers. We were very lucky with the weather and enjoyed a bright sunny day and great conditions for racing. This year we added a championship race for the
WCAA AGM Minutes
Minutes from the recent WCAA AGM which took place on Wednesday 15th November via Zoom.
Minutes from the WRRL AGM
The minutes are from the recent WRRL AGM which took place on Wednesday 15th November via Zoom.
WCAA Cross Country Championships
RESULTS The 2023 Cross Country Championships were held on Saturday 16th December 2023 at Warley Woods jointly with the Worcestershire AA Championships (hosted by Worcestershire County Athletics Association). Congratulation to all competitors and many thanks to all the officials, marshals and helpers. The finalised results for the event are HERE.
MCAA U17/U15 Champs, U13 Quadrathlon Inc. Senior & U20 Combined Events at The Pingles Stadium 12-13th August ’23
Please see details below for the Midland Counties Athletics Association U17/U15 Championships, U13 Quadrathlon Inc. Senior & U20 Combined Events. This competition will be taking place on Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th August 2023 at The Pingles Stadium, Nuneaton
Championship award winners
Several awards are given after the County Championship to recognise the athletes’ achievements. The Warwick Vase is awarded to the best club overall. Stratford Upon Avon AC has retained the trophy that they have now won for seven championships consecutively. The full scores are posted on the
2023 Inter County Fell Running Championships
This year’s Inter County Fell Running Championships were held at Sedbergh on 7th May. The men’s team finished a creditable 18th and the ladies finished a superb 6th. Big thank-you to Julie for organising the County teams and well done to all who ran. See also the
WRRL AGM Minutes and Provisional 2023 programme
Warwickshire Road Race LeagueAnnual General Meeting18th January 2023; 20:00 – via ZoomMinutes of Meeting
Inter County Mountain Race Championships
The 2023 Inter County Mountain Race Championships for Men and Women will be held on the 7th May at Sedburgh in Cumbria. It is a selection event for World Championships and so entries are limited to a County team only (no individuals allowed). The race being used
Welkin Farm – excellent course
We are getting really good feedback on the course at Welkin Farm. Many thanks to those who have replied so far. Thanks also to Katie for the photo.
Stratford win the Graham Heeley Trophy
The full results are available on the Results/Cross Country pages of this site but we are pleased to announce that Stratford Upon Avon AC has won the Graham Heeley Trophy which goes to the Club which performs best overall at the Championships. Stratford now hold such an
Cross County Champs course and site maps
The course maps for the various races of the 2022 cross country championships have been posted on the competition page. There is also a site plan to help direct you to the venue. REMINDER – closing date of 26th November will be strictly adhered to. Please dont
Officials education and athletics hub info
The schedule of webinars for officials over November and December 2022 and the schedule of training courses for officials over November and December 2022 are now available on the officials’ page. There is also a presentation of the Athletics Hub which may also interest athletes.
Cross Country Championships 2022
Entries are now open for the cross-country championships. Check with your Club to see if somebody is doing a group/team entry which includes you then, if not, go to Entry4Sportsto do your individual entry. It is event number 383. See also the cross-country page in the competitions
U13 and U15 team win Inter County match
The Warwickshire U13 and U15 team of boys and girls won their recent Inter County match against 6 other Counties. Not only did they win the match and the trophy, but they also won each of the four separate age/gender categories. Well done to the athletes and
Warwickshire County AA News
Some news from Warwickshire County AA1. New Hon Sec2. Next Cross Country Championships3. The Warwickshire Road Race LeaguePlease pass on this information to your Club members as appropriate. 1. New Hon SecI am pleased to announce that Eric Fowler of Nuneaton Harriers has been appointed to the
Championships round up
Photo of Craig Murch of Birchfield Harriers courtesy of David Griffiths of fotoccompli.co.uk Firstly, and most importantly, a big thank you to all of the technical officials and volunteers who made the event possible and such a success. Also to the Nick Wilson and his stadium staff
WRRL 2022 Races
Race Number Event Name Proposed Date 1 Massey 10K 18th April, 2022 2 Ryton 5M 19th May, 2022 3 Sphinx 5M 8th June, 2022 4 Two Castles 10K 12th June, 2022 5 Arden 9 19th June 2022 6 Northbrook 10K 10th July, 2022 7 Stratford Summer 6
Fancy Fell Running?
Warwickshire is not a strong Fell Running County but we like to support people and enter a team in the Inter Counties if we can. This years senior race is on 7th May and the Junior (U15/U17/U19) race is on 15th May but the closing date for
2022 UKCAU Championships
The photo shows the Warwickshire U13 Girls team which ran in the 2022 Inter County Championships at Prestwold. A big thank you to all the athletes in all of the age groups (its not an easy course!!) and the team management of Eddie Cockayne, Robert Pinton, Brian
County Cross Country Championships 2022
We were not able to stage the County Cross Country Championships this year and so we decided to award medals to individuals based on their performances in the Midland Championships. The phot shows our County Senior Mens team manager, Simon Kinson with Jack Gray (on the right)
Warwickshire cross country medals
After the cancellation of the Warwickshire Champs we decided to award a Warwickshire medal to the top three Warwickshire athletes at the Midland Champs. It has taken a little time to work out but I have attached a list of those who we think qualify. Please check
Inter County Fell Races
The Senior British Inter-Counties Mountain Race is organised on behalf of the UK Counties Athletics Union by the Mountain Running Advisory Group Sub-Committee (MRAG) of British Athletics. The 2022 race will be held at Llanberis (North Wales) on Saturday 7th May. The Junior British Inter-Counties Hill and
Inter County Selection
The Inter County Championships will be held at Prestwold near Loughborough once again, on Saturday 12th March. Normally we guarantee automatic entry to the first three in the County Championships but we cant do that this year. The team managers will primarily consider the results of the
XC Champs cancelled
We have tried to reorganise the Warwickshire County Cross Country Championships for a new date but problems with the venue, problems with suppliers and the stress on the competition calendar mean that it is just not possible. Unfortunately and reluctantly we have cancelled the event. We will
County XC Champs is OFF. Covid !!
I am devastated to have to tell you that the Warwickshire and Worcestershire County Cross Country Championships scheduled for Saturday can NOT now take place. The Newbold Revel site is a Prison Officer Training College which was completely closed today because of a serious Covid outbreak. The
Ernie Eames of RSCAC
Sad to report the death of Ernie Eames of Royal Sutton Coldfield AC. Ernie was one of the foundation stones of the Club and he will be greatly missed by all members and by people in the sport more generally. There is a very fitting tribute to
This years AGM will be held on Wednesday 17th November at 7.30 by Zoom. The link is here :- Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85321109318?pwd=TGM2UmNMZ3EvaTR0WjhiWnNNSWVhdz09 The notice and agenda is in the “About WCAA” then “AGM Minutes” pages. Important – very – We need a new HonSec, social media
Help wanted !!
Warwickshire County is looking for a new Secretary, a Social Media Secretary and a Cross County Team Managers Coordinator. The Secretary fields general enquiries to WCAA, arranges and minutes Committee meetings and the AGM. The Social Media Secretary is a new post and hopefully the name describes
Warwickshire Cross County Championships
Pleased to say that there will be a cross county championships on 8th January 2022 at Newbold Revell which is near Stretton Under Fosse. There is a Manor House on the site which was built in 1716 and which is now used as a Prison Officers Training
Under 11 Girls Champions
It may seem that the girls dont understand the podium. Isla Ellis (Leamington Athletics Academy) is on the top step. Ada Masson (Solihull and Small Heath) and Isla Hinton (Leamington Athletics Academy) are sharing the second step because they tied on 191 points. Well done girls.
Under 11 Boys Champions
The Under 11 Boys track and field champs was held at Leamington on 25th August. The picture shows three very happy boys holding their medals. 1st Oliver Knight (BRAT), 2nd Jayden Bailey (RSCAC) and 3rd Benjamin Fernandez (Stratford). Well done boys. Results available on Championship results pages
County Championships Awards
The photo shows Gemma Knight and Isabelle Knight who are mother and daughter and both members of Rugby &Northampton AC. Gemma recorded a County age group record in the 200m but, not to be outdone, Isabelle recorded three grade 1 performance two of which are County records.
Back on the road again !! (Updated)
For obvious reasons we have not had a Warwickshire Road Race League this year. The good news is that some races that make up the latter part of the programme are ON.List of races follows:- (1) The Stratford Summer 6 is on Saturday 28th August (2) The
U11 Champs – and Open Graded meeting
Two more County competitions coming up soon. The County Under 11 track and field championships will be held at Edmondscote Stadium, Leamington, on the afternoon of Wednesday 25th August starting at 1.00. This is for athletes who were in school years 4 and 5 last school term.
2021 County Champs- Warwick Vase
The picture above is of Bob Carey and Becky Freeman who are the current and past Presidents of WCAA. They presented the awards at the County Championships on Saturday and Sunday. Many thanks to them and everybody else, incluyding the athletes, who contributed to an excellent meeting.
Warwickshire Race Walking Championships
For this year, the Warwickshire Race Walking Championships will be held within the Midlands race Walking Championships. For more details, including a prospectus and entry form, go to the Competitions pages.
Warwickshire County AA Track and Field Championships 2021.
Entries for this year’s Championships are now open. More details on the Competitions pages. Go to Entry4Sports.co.uk/247 Entries close on 30th June
Warwickshire Road Race League – update
The current position of races in the 2021 Warwickshire Road Race League is still somewhat uncertain. The good news is that the last three League races scheduled from September onwards (Kenilworth Half Marathon, Balsall Common 10k and the Rugby 10mile) are quite confident that they will go
Minutes of the recent AGM
The minutes have been posted in the “About WCAA” and “AGM minutes” pages. If you were at the meeting and see a problem with the minutes then please let us know as soon as possible so that we can correct them.
Meet the new Bear
The Warwickshire Bear has shaken off his chains and had a bit of a makeover and now has a new image. Meet the new Bear and his ragged staff for 2021 on onwards
Elliot Giles breaks Seb Coe’s 800m GB record
In Torun, Poland at one of the World Tour events Elliot Giles of Birchfield Harriers broke Seb Coe’s long standing 800m British indoor record. With a time of 1.43.63 not only was this a British record but it is also the second fastest 800m of all time
County Track and Field Champs – delayed
The government recently updated its Covid guidelines and England Athletics has also updated its guidance however the dates quoted at every stage are the earliest possible. They will certainly not be brought forward and might be delayed. It is unlikely that we will be able to hold
Mary Hodges – English official of the year
Congratulations to Mary Hodges of Leamington C&Ac and Warwickshire who won the England Athletics National Volunteer Award for “Official of the year”. Mary went through to the finals after winning the West Midlands Regional award. Mary is renowned not only for her officiating, particularly on field events
Ellis and Endurance Trophies Elliot Giles and Omar Ahmed
The Ellis Trophy and the Endurance Trophy are the County Association’s most prestigious. As the name implies, the Endurance Trophy is awarded to the best endurance performance by a County athlete anywhere in the world and the Ellis Trophy goes to the best performance other than endurance.
News from WCAA
All of us at Warwickshire County AA wish you and all of your club colleagues a happy and prosperous (and safe) 2021. Last year was extremely difficult and we are not over it yet but at least there is now light at the end of the tunnel
County XC Championships
Sad to say that the Warwickshire County Cross Country Championships, which were due to be held in January 2021, have been cancelled. This will not come as a surprise given the current Covid situation but it is the right thing to do. The situation couldn’t be much
July (Magic) Mile Results vWRRL (Virtual) Series
July 2020 saw the conclusion of the latest in the series of Virtual Races organised for WRRL Clubs and Runners, over the classic distance of 1 Mile. The men’s event saw a tie for 1st place with both Dominic Priest of Leamington C & AC and Ben
How times have changed !!
See attached letter from AW from 1961. Back then female runners generally didnt start cross country until the U20 age group. Some organisations had started to hold races for 15 and 16 year old girls but that caused some controversy hence the attached letter. It may seem
Ken Bull of Coventry Godiva Harriers
Sad to report that Ken Bull of Coventry Godiva Harriers has passed away. Ken was made a Life Vice President of Warwickshire County AA in recognition of his service to our sport at County level but he is probably best known for his massive contribution to Coventry
Coronavirus update – Virtual Racing
The news on WRRL races is as before – most races have been cancelled and, as yet, competitions are not permitted. In the absence of real races, Anthony Morgan has set up a virtual race series. Check out this web site under WRRL for details, or look at
Road Race League News
For obvious reasons the WRRL season has not started at all yet. The latest confirmed cancellations are the Sphinx and Northbrook races. Balsall Common RC are planning to hold their race if at all possible. There is a 5k and 10k on 20th September. Registration now open.
More managers recognised
The photo shows Simon Kinson of Leamington C&AC with Robert Pinton of Solihull&SmallHeath who, like Nick, Brian, Pat&Eddie in the previous blog, have served the County for most or all of this century. Its a pleasure to recognise people who have shown so much support for the
Team Managers recognised by WCAA
The photo shows Nick Price of the BRAT club, Brian Higson of RSCAC and Pat and Eddie Cockayn of Birchfield Harriers with an award presented by Becky Freeman of Solihull&SmallHeath AC (immediate Past President of WCAA) which recognises their exceptional service to the County. They have served
Prestwold – County Best Performance – Alex Adams
The individual star of the Inter County Cross Country Championships was Alex Adams who took the U15 Boys bronze medal. The picture shows Alex with the winner, Lewis Sullivan of Suffolk and the runner up, Christopher Perkins of the North Eastern Counties. Alex said “Very tough race
Coronavirus – event cancellations
County Track and Field Championships The Warwickshire County Championships were due to take place on 30th/31st of May this year and although that is a few weeks away yet the Championships cannot take place then. We have postponed the event rather than cancelled it, in the hope
2020 Inter County XC at Prestwold
Well done and a big thank you to all of the athletes who represented Warwickshire at the Inter County Cross Country Championships which were held at Prestwold on Saturday 7th March 2020. A huge thank you also to the team managers without whom it would not be
WRRL 2020 Fixtures for your Fridge
Download and Print a handy fixtures list for this season’s WRRL for your fridge!
2020 WRRL gets under way
Northbrook ladies – miles and smiles. Time to think about the 2020 road race season and the Warwickshire Road Race League (WRRL) in particular. Entries for Massey Ferguson’s race which is the first race of the series are open already. The ballot for the Two Castles opens
XC Champs – Heeley Trophy
The Heeley Trophy is awarded to the best Club overall taking into account all age groups. This year it has been won by BIRCHFIELD HARRIERS with 815 points from STRATFORD UPON AVON AC on 623 points then COVENTRY GODIVA HARRIERS on 563 points. Well done to all
Dave and Kelly MBE
Some very good news to start the year that is almost upon us. Kelly Sotherton of Birchfield Harriers and Dave Phillips of Massey Fergusson have both been awarded an MBE. Kelly’s award recognises her “services to Track and Field Athletics and the Promotion of Women’s Sport” and
County XC Champs – change of venue
The ground at Churchfields is still unsuitable and the weather forecast is not great so we have decided to move the County XC Champs to Warley Woods. More to follow.
Warwickshire County XC Champs – Jan 2020
A reminder that the closing date for the Warwickshire County Cross Country Championships is fast approaching – this Thursday (12th December). We are using the new EA sponsored XC entry system for the first time this year. We have had feedback from some clubs that it is
2019 Annual Awards
Warwickshire County AA 2019 annual performance awards Endurance Trophy – Jack Gray of Cambridge & Coleridge AC Ellis Trophy – Lewis Byng of Stratford Upon Avon AC The President of Warwickshire County AA, for 2019 Becky Freeman, awards two annual trophies – the Endurance Trophy for the
Stewart Harris
Stewart Harris has served the sport for decades in a number of ways until his last outing today as Referee at one of his favourite events – the Combe 8 hosted by Sphinx AC. The photo shows Paul Bergin of Sphinx AC on the left with Stewart
2020 WRRL programme
We are waiting for a date from Stratford for their 6 mile race but it is likely to be around where it is shown.
AGM Season – WRRL and WCAA meetings
The photo shows Becky Freeman, the outgoing WCAA President with Bob Carey, the incoming WCAA President. More news from the two recent AGMs to follow.
2020 Cross County Championships – Jan 4th 2020
The next Warwickshire Cross Country Championships will be held on 4th January 2020 at Churchfields Farm, Salwarpe, Droitwich. This is a new and exciting course so something to look forward to.The Championships will be combined with those of Worcestershire who are hosting the event.More details in the
U13/U15 Inter County match at Hull on Saturday 14th Sep 2019
Full results now available in the Results pages.Our U13/U15 boys and girls competed in the annual Inter County match yesterday. The U15 boys won their age group while the U13 boys and both girls age groups finished second in their categories. Overall the team won the event
Warwickshire County AA supports The Myton Hospices
Over the year so far Warwickshire athletes and supporters have donated £166.63 towards a very good local cause – The Myton Hospices. The Myton Hospices was founded in Warwick but now also have a presence in Coventry and Rugby.Have a look at their web site for more
Basil Heatley With great sadness we report that Basil Heatley died today (Saturday 3rd August) at Worcester Hospital. Basil was a member of Coventry Godiva Harriers who set a world best time for the marathon of 2:13:55 in 1964 then later that year won the marathon silver
County Track and Field Championships – Awards We have already announced that Stratford Upon Avon AC has won the Warwick Vase which goes to the best Club overall based on points for positions in finals. Stratford first won the Trophy at the 2016 Championships and have held
Dave Phillips (Massey Ferguson)– Marathon Man Dave will hit a remarkable milestone in his running career on 28th April when he runs the Stratford Marthon. This will be his 500th run over the classic distance. Dave hopes to reach a fundraising target of £125,000 achieved over 21
Keith Richards given Lifetime Achievement Award
Congratulations to Keith Richards (WCAA Hon Sec) who has been given a Lifetime Achievement Award by Rugby BC. Keith lives in Rugby and is a member of Coventry Godiva Harriers but his contribution to Athletics and Race Walking in particular covers a very long time (lifetime in
2019 Inter County Cross Country Championships
Alex Adams 4th, Georgina Campbell 10th and Senior Women team 9th Well done to Alex and Georgina (both from Stratford Upon Avon AC) and the Senior Women for their top ten finishes at the Inter County XC Champs. More photos in the photos pages of this web
Mike Doyle
Sad to report that Mike Doyle passed away earlier this week. Mike suffered a stroke last year and has had a difficult time since then but is now at peace. Mike made a massive contribution to the sport as an athlete, a coach, a timekeeper and numerous
2019 Cross Country Championships
2019 County Cross Country Championships on 5th January 2019 at HMPSC Newbold Revel – Record Entry We had a record entry for the Championships and the feedback from all has been very positive. The new Venue at Newbold Revell was very well received. It is risky to
2020 Cross Country Championships
The next Warwickshire Cross Country Championships will be held on 4th January 2020 at Churchfields Farm, Salwarpe, Droitwich. This is a new and exciting course so something to look forward to. The Championships will be combined with those of Worcestershire who are hosting the event. More details
U13/U15 Inter County match at Hull on Saturday 14th Sep 2019
Full results now available in the Results pages.Our U13/U15 boys and girls competed in the annual Inter County match yesterday. The U15 boys won their age group while the U13 boys and both girls age groups finished second in their categories. Overall the team won the event
Warwickshire County AA supports The Myton Hospices
Over the year so far Warwickshire athletes and supporters have donated £166.63 towards a very good local cause – The Myton Hospices. The Myton Hospices was founded in Warwick but now also have a presence in Coventry and Rugby.Have a look at their web site for more
WRRL 2019 Season Kicks off with the Tractor 10K
The 2019 edition of the Warwickshire Road Race League (WRRL) kicked off in style with the Massey Ferguson Running Club hosted Tractor 10K at Stoneleigh Park on the 22nd April. The race sold out it’s reserved 500 places in advance of the day. The race saw 354
WRRL Results Update after Final Race #10 Rugby 10
9 Ever Presents 641 Male, 450 Female athletes 2,921 performances The Rugby 10 draws the WRRL Season to a close. Please take a look at the updated results, feedback any errors/omissions, share with clubmates, share with friends. Results
WRRL Results Update after Event #8 Stratford Summer 6
Results have been updated following Race #8, the Stratford Summer 6. link 11 runners remain in this years ‘Tour De WRRL’ ever presents list link It has been decided following the cancellation of the BRAT 5K and the reduction of overall races in the league from 11 to
WRRL Results Update – After Race #7 Northbrook 10K
And then there were 17. After 7 stages and 40.7 miles – Check out the latest standings and celebrate this years Ever Presents in the Tour De WRRL here Given that this year’s BRAT 5K has been canceled – effectively mid-season – the number of eligible races for
WRRL Results Update
With the WRRL summer races coming thick and fast, please find refreshed results for Ryton 5 (following resolution of outstanding queries) and newly added results for Two Castles 10K 2018 Results
Ryton 5 WRRL Results Added
Ryton 5 results towards WRRL standings have been calculated and added here: 2018 Results
WRRL Overall Standings
An Excel file containing the overall WRRL League standings after 2 events is now available to download in http://www.warwickshireathletics.co.uk/wrrl/wrrl-results/ Please feedback any errors, omissions etc. to wrrl@warwickshireathletics.co.uk
Monty 5K Race Results (PDF)
Please find here and also embedded below, results for the Monty 5k in PDF format. These will soon be processed for WRRL Scoring. Results to be made available here Hope you enjoyed the race and the lovely weather. Keep fit ready for the next WRRL race –
New Warwickshire Road Race League (WRRL) Website Section
WRRL 2018 A new section has been created within the website to hold all information relating to the Warwickshire Road Race League (WRRL). Please visit for info regarding Fixtures, Affiliated Clubs, Results and Contact details in case of any queries. This should be accessible via the following
New website
Welcome to Warwickshire County Athletics Association’s new website. As you can see we have a brand new design to give the site fresh and modern look. At the moment it’s in its early stages and more content will appear over time. If there is any information that